EBC Batch Certificate 4py5-h7f2-xwj6-v6w8
Period of production 10/2020-10/2021
Certified application class EBC-Feed
Pyrolysis feedstock waldfrische Holzhackschnitzel aus unbehandeltem Stammholz
Mineral additives Keine Zusatzstoffe
Highest treatment temperature attained in the pyrolysis 650.0 °C
Bulk density (for particle size < 3mm, dry) 233.0 kg m-3 kg m-3
C-sink potential 87.9 %
  • Biochar properties
    Biochar properties
    Organic Carbon content (Corg) 92.6 %
    H/C org ratio 0.2
    Total Nitrogen 0.5 g/kg
    Phosphorus in P2O5 0.1 g/kg
    Potassium as K2O 0.5 g/kg
    Calcium in CaO 1.0 g/kg
    Magnesium in MgO 0.2 g/kg
    pH (in CaCl) 8.4
    Water Holding Capacity (WHC) 236.0 %
    Water content at filling 10.8 %
    Specific Surface Area 366.0 m2 g-1 m2 g-1
version 1.02 - updated at: 2021-12-03 00:29